Organic Gardenfarming
KPD (plc) is supporting the farmers in their traditional gardenfarming that is sustainable already for centuries because of a lack of industrial influence in our rural area.
KADERES believes that it is our duty to grow and harvest our food sustainably in our environment. Our organic way of gardenfarming is protecting the soil and increasing its fertility by maintaining biological cycles. We are not using any chemical fertilizers, pesticides or genetically-modified organisms!
Instead, our traditional garden farm concept is increasing and protecting plants for centuries long before any organic certification was available. Due to the support of our Donor HIVOS we were able to invest in the expensive organic certification process so that we can be transparent for our customers.
Typical industrial monocultures farms produce coffee sometimes referred to as sun coffee. This kind requires chemical fertilizers, pesticides and heavy machine equipment. This technique allows millions of plants to produce a very high amount of coffee cherries. Having the highest output of coffee beans per acre, this intense agriculture is harming bird life, leading to soil erosion, contamination of water resources and, over time, the entire biological environment.
Our traditional gardenfarming is an agro-ecosystem that maintains the biological biodiversity and plays a similar role in the environment as indigenous vegetation does. Especially banana trees, beans, maize and hardwood trees coexist alongside in one garden and give organic protection against wind, rain, dry seasons and pests.
Garden coffee is not only protecting the environment but it is also growing slower than other commercial species to generate higher quality aroma through high quality beans as we experience less crop damage.
Gardenfarming as an agro-ecosystem produces no waste. Everything, even the banana-tree leaves can be used for rooftop and rain rail construction. Coffee cherry pulp, leaves and green manure are used as fertilisers.