Development & Relief Service
Our sustainable vision is to "empower the community in which people effectively manage their own lives".
We serve thousands of small-scale farmers in a rural region in Africa and try to teach them how to take more control over their decisions in life and how to sustainably manage their areas. Sustainable farming is not only our social and environmental responsibility; it is also an economical need in order to continuously deliver the well known TANKAR-quality in the years to come.

Solely by working and living in a sustainable way together with our internal and external communities, we can ensure a long-term success and maintain our passion for coffee.
Therefore we started our own NGO, called KADERES (Karagwe Development and Relief Services), to focus independent from economic pressures on community development.
The basement of our NGO KADERES is the improvement of
- Maji = Water
- Tiba = Health
- Elimu = Education
- Ufundi = tech. Knowhow
- Kilimo / Ufuga = Agriculture / livestock keeping
KADERES works with Karagwe and Kyerwa communities to rehabilitate water sources and construct water tanks for schools and health center. o far eleven water tanks for approximately 70.000 USD have been built.
KADERES supplies medical hospital equipment and pharmaceuticals, dispensaries to health center in Karagwe and Kyerwa district. Additionally, KADERES helps in the rehabilitation of health facilities.
So far medicine and hospital equipment worth of about 625.000 USD have been distributed and six health facilities have been rehabilitated.
KADERES supports distance learning education in partnership with the Life Training Institute of Dar es Salaam. The courses provide entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to young people. Since 2011, 40 students have been enrolled in the programme.
KADERES also is helping in constructing Kitwe Secondary school. The School is able to take in 360 students at a time.
Technical Know-how
KADERES sells solar torches to smallholder farmers without access to electricity. To avoid kerosene lamps for environmental, economic and safety reasons KADERES is offering a microcredit for the SUN KING Solar lamp. Because most small farmers do not have enough money to finance a solar lamp we give them the solar lamp first and they can pay them over time with the money saved by no longer buying kerosene. After ca. ten month the TANKAR farmers will have paid of the lamp and can start to save money spent on kerosene every day.
Agriculture / livestock keeping
We organise organic and fair-trade certifications for the farmers and support them by harvesting high Qualities like our TANKAR-Coffee.
To provide a sustainable system we offer Chicken Starter Programs that enables the farmers to raise livestock for fertilisers, secondary income and protein food aswell.
International Donors
KADERES is getting professional support from international development partners like HIVOS, Global Partners for development, Direct Relief International, the World Food Program and VSO-volunteers.