TANKAR Gardencoffee: Organically grown at the source of the Nile

Development & Relief Service

Our sustainable vision is to "empower the community in which people effectively manage their own lives".

We serve thousands of small-scale farmers in a rural region in Africa and try to teach them how to take more control over their decisions in life and how to sustainably manage their areas. Sustainable farming is not only our social and environmental responsibility; it is also an economical need in order to continuously deliver the well known TANKAR-quality in the years to come.

Farmer training

Solely by working and living in a sustainable way together with our internal and external communities, we can ensure a long-term success and maintain our passion for coffee.

Therefore we started our own NGO, called KADERES (Karagwe Development and Relief Services), to focus independent from economic pressures on community development.

KADERES Logo Water Health Lifestock Learning Direct Relief WFP Hivos VSO Global Partners TPSF Artefact